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You can contact me directly by email, or using the enquiry form below (please see GDPR statement below).

Please note that all appointments are delivered by secure video call or telephone. In person clinic appointments are not currently available. 


As well as providing therapy to self-funding clients, I am a registered Psychologist provider with private medical insurers including:

Aviva, AXA, Vitality


I look forward to working with you.


Thanks for submitting!

GDPR Statement

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is concerned with the personal information about you and how it is collected, stored and shared. This information is about how I, Katy James, CPsychol collect, store and use information about you in the context of providing psychological assessment, consultation, clinical supervision and psychological therapies.


Accessing the Website


My website uses cookies. A cookie is a string of information that a website stores on a visitor’s computer, and that the visitor’s browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns. My website provider,, uses cookies to provide me with information about the number of visitors to the various parts of the site. This information is only processed in a way which does not identify anyone. We do not make any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website.


Accessing Services


Information collection

When you contact me to access my services, I collect your personal information including: your name, date of birth, address, phone number, email address, family relationships, occupation, previous psychological therapy, medical history, and medication, where relevant. I keep records of your appointments, brief notes on the topics covered during the sessions and your concerns, and any letters and/or psychometric questionnaires concerning you. The lawful basis for my holding and using your information is in relation to the delivery of a contract to you as a health care professional, and to ensure I can provide you with high quality services.


Information storage

Session related information attendance and topics covered in the sessions will be initially stored electronically without identifying details and protected by a coding system and password. Your personal details and any information collected during the initial intake process/meeting (including possible referral letters, questionnaires) are stored in paper format in a locked cabinet. Once you have finished working with me I store hard copies of the sessions notes in your file that is in a locked cabinet. The information is kept up to 7 years after you have completed working with me for legal reasons.



Psychotherapy is a private and confidential form of help. I hold information about each of my clients and the services they receive in confidence. This means that I will not normally give your name or any information about you to anyone else. As part of the intake process, I collect information about whether you are happy for your GP to be informed about your contact with me and if additional support is required from them.  Session information but not names will be shared with my clinical supervisor who is also professionally accredited and who regularly reviews my practice.


There are exceptional cases where I might ethically or legally have to give information to relevant authorities, for example if I had reason to believe that someone, especially a child or adult with social/health care needs, is at serious risk of harm or to prevent a miscarriage of justice. I will discuss any proposed disclosure with you unless I believe that to do so could increase the level of risk to you or to someone else. There are other supervening legal and ethical obligations, such as my duty to comply with criminal investigations when I am legally obliged to do so.


Working with private medical insurance companies: If your sessions are being funded by private medical insurance, I share your attendance with the referring insurance company. If we need to request further sessions for you, I share some details of your sessions such the focus, progress, and need for further sessions with the insurance company. You get to see the report prior to it being shared and you may request information being omitted if you wish to do so.


As a fully registered and accredited member of the HCPC and BPS, BABCP & ACAT I adhere to their ethical frameworks and guidelines to ensure that you receive a professional and quality service.


Your rights


You have rights relating to the information I hold to verify the accuracy or to ask for them to be supplemented, deleted, updated or corrected. You have the right to request a copy of the information that I hold about you. If at any time you wish to exercise your right under the General Data Protection Regulation Act (May 2018) to access your information (‘subject access request’), you should put your request in writing to me and provide evidence of your identity such as a copy of your passport or driver’s license and proof of your address. When I receive evidence of identity I will respond to your request within 30 calendar days. My response to a valid subject access request will normally be in the form of a schedule listing and describing the personal data I hold on you. You also have a right to request the transfer of your data to another individual or company.



 © Katy James 2020

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